


Multiplying Decimal Numbers by 10, 100, 1000 etc.



Check if you know to multiply the decimal numbers by 10, 100, 1000 etc.

In all applets below, first try to figure out what would be the answer, and then click the 'solution' check box to check your answer.
After solving this problem, click the 'Refresh' sign in the right-upper angle of the applet to get a new problem.
When you become sure in solving such problems, go to the next applet.


Made by Antonija Horvatek with the GeoGebra program


Made by Antonija Horvatek with the GeoGebra program


Made by Antonija Horvatek with the GeoGebra program


Made by Antonija Horvatek with the GeoGebra program


Made by Antonija Horvatek with the GeoGebra program



If applets don't work correctly, try to use another web browser (Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer...) or change some properties in the web browser you use. Also, you can try upgrade your web browser.


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